Thursday, April 7, 2011

Filming Leonardo DiCaprio in Paris with Gawkers

 I was out shopping with my mom today when
 I noticed a group of paparazzi with big lenses and a film crew set up with lights and giant reflectors. I asked my mom if we could go look.  I have worked on location in a film, and I felt  for the actors who were working in font of the crew and all of us the Paparazzi and the Gawkers which includes my mom and I!
I do not know which project Mr. DiCaprio is working on here in Paris, but he was moving fast.


  1. Was that yesterday April 6? By the opera in front of Grand hotel? Are they filming it there today again?

  2. Yes, Wednesday April 6th in front of the Grand hotel. We were just passing by, and do not know the location schedule or the particulars of the project. Cheers
